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A Conversation with Jodi: What Support Her to Run Over 9,000 Miles

A Conversation with Jodi: What Support Her to Run Over 9,000 Miles

Jodi Kimmel, a runner for 10 years, here to be Baleaf Ambassador, will share her story about her own running experience and how it has changed her life, and her funny family and pets.


Sophia: Hi Jodi!! This is Sophia from Baleaf Brand Center. We are here to ask some questions to you and want to know more about you and your amazing life. Can you introduce yourself and tell us where are you from.

Jodi: Hello I’m Jodi Kimmel, I’m from a very small town in the middle of America called Alliance, Nebraska.

Sophia: Why do you love running and how does running change your life?

Jodi: I love running for so many reasons. I love to be out in nature, as I only run outside, yes even in the winter when it’s -20°F windchill and in the summer when it’s over 100°F. I also like the peacefulness of running, I always run alone, it’s just me and Mother Earth. And last but not least I want to stay as healthy and in the best shape as possible.

Running changed my life! I use to be a pack a day smoker, I stopped smoking 13 years ago. 3 years after I quit I picked up my running shoes and never looked back.

Sophia: Exercise time and how many kilometers per day? Which competitions have you signed up for? What is your best grade?

Jodi: I run almost every day. I’ve ran over 9,000 miles in the past 10 years. I’ve also met some amazing people from around the world from being a runner. 

I usually run in the afternoon when my kids are in school. I run 20-30 miles a week. In 2015 I ran 1,037.41 miles, 2016 I ran 910 miles and I had my fourth child in May that year. I ran 505.05 miles while pregnant with her, running up until the day before she was born. In 2017 I ran 1,502.00 miles, 2018 I ran 1,250.00 miles, 2019 I ran 1,050.00 miles, 2020 I ran 1,015.00 miles, and last year I ran 1,001.00 miles. Last year I was inducted into the 1,000 Mile Run Club’s Hall Of Fame for running 1,000 miles for 5 years in a row! 

Sophia: We all knew that you ran for ten years, which running makes you remember the most? How long have you been preparing for the race?

Jodi: There aren’t very many races in the small town that I live by, but I do a lot of virtual races. One that I remember the most was a virtual half marathon. I ran from the front door of my house (which I live in the country) down the country roads all the way into the water tower in the town of Alliance. I then turned back around, ran down the country roads again, and back to my front door which was exactly 13.1 miles for my half marathon. I remember this virtual race so much because it was just me out in the middle of nowhere with no other runners and no aid stations (but I did have my hydration pack full of the usual runners supplies). It was tough mentally and physically, but at the same time extremely fun and peaceful as ever. I prepared for that race for 24 weeks.

Sophia: As a runner mama, have you inspired your kids to run with you?

Jodi: Yes my 3 of my 4 kids love running! I have a Middle School daughter that is extremely excited to join the track team this year, my 4th grade daughter has went on short runs with me and my 1st grade daughter runs everywhere she goes ... she says she’s going to be the fastest runner when she grows up!

Sophia: Except running, what kind of sport do you like most and why?

Jodi: Golf!! I absolutely love golf! I like the challenge, I like being outside, I like spending time with others while golfing, and my husband works at the golf course….we are definitely a “golf family”! “The success in golf depends less on the strength of body more on strength of mind and character.” That is one of my favorite quotes by Arnold Palmer.

Sophia: How many pets do you have? Can you introduce them?

Jodi: I have 3 dogs, 3 cats, and 2 fish. I have a Yellow Lab named Makooa, a Labradoodle named Eddie, and an Australian Shepherd Mix named Coconut. My cats names are Bella, Meow, and Biscuit. Vecna and Fare Pipi are my Goldfishes names.

Sophia: How many Baleaf Clothes are in your closet now? What colors do you have the most styles of clothes in?

Jodi: I have approximately 40 articles of Baleaf Sports clothing. I’m a huge fan of black and pink clothing, but my closet is full of many different colors.

Sophia: Recommend one Baleaf clothes you love most to our audience.

Jodi: I would recommend all of the Baleaf Sports clothing, but one that I absolutely love are the thermal fleece pullovers and the thermal fleece running tights. Like I said before I run in extremely cold temperatures and those are a must for anyone active outside in the winter months.

Sophia: What do you think of Baleaf?

Jodi: I think Baleaf is a great company with an excellent selection of clothing for all sports. Their clothes are stylish and comfortable. The customer service is also very good, they assist with any issues in a timely matter.

Thank you for sharing your run journey with us. We think your story can influence the people who want to make a change and start a sport.


Feel free to follow Jodi's Instagram @countryrunnerchick, and head over to her purchased section to pick out your favorites, use Jodi's Code BLFSJODI for 15% off!

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